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All Task Solutions – solutions for all your tasks

About All Task Solutions – solutions for all your tasks. 

All Task Solutions specialise in providing repair and maintenance product solutions for professionals across various sectors, including domestic, automotive, agricultural, and industrial.
Our products includes premium brand items sourced globally, as well as our own All Task Solutions range.
We take pride in assisting professional trades people and welcome inquiries.
Through the years by sharing our found product knowledge, we can benefit you and your colleagues and help select and offer you the perfect product solutions to assist with your tasks.
Our better known brand range includes **Smog Doctor**, addressing various automotive challenges related to vehicle running issues, emissions test failures and Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) cleaning.
Check in and further explore our sourced stock as we continue to expand for you our offerings.
If you’ve used our products, you know they’ve been rigorously tested and can be trusted to meet the task.
For those who haven’t yet experienced ALL TASK SOLUTIONS, follow us for news and updates and discover to your suprise what we have to offer! 🛠️.

The KENT EUROPE product range  – We are your dedicated Ireland stockist …


“Smog Doctor” refers to a range of products designed to reduce vehicle emissions and improve engine performance. They offer solutions like fuel additives and cleaning agents for various parts of the vehicle.

These products are provided as professional system treatments

significantly focused on reducing emissions.



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